Title: | Fitting Separable Nonlinear Models in Spectroscopy and Microscopy |
Description: | A problem solving environment (PSE) for fitting separable nonlinear models to measurements arising in physics and chemistry experiments, as described by Mullen & van Stokkum (2007) <doi:10.18637/jss.v018.i03> for its use in fitting time resolved spectroscopy data, and as described by Laptenok et al. (2007) <doi:10.18637/jss.v018.i08> for its use in fitting Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) data, in the study of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET). `TIMP` also serves as the computation backend for the `GloTarAn` software, a graphical user interface for the package, as described in Snellenburg et al. (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v049.i03>. |
Authors: | Katharine M. Mullen [aut] (Original package creator),
Joris Snellenburg [cre, ctb] |
Maintainer: | Joris Snellenburg <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.13.6 |
Built: | 2025-03-07 04:49:18 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/glotaran/timp |
TIMP is a problem solving environment for fitting separable nonlinear models to measurements arising in physics and chemistry experiments, and has been extensively applied to time-resolved spectroscopy and FLIM-FRET data.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum Maintainer: Joris J. Snellenburg [email protected]
Mullen KM, van Stokkum IHM (2007). “TIMP: An R Package for Modeling Multi-way Spectroscopic Measurements.” Journal of Statistical Software, 18(3). doi:10.18637/jss.v018.i03.
Laptenok S, Mullen KM, Borst JW, van Stokkum IHM, Apanasovich VV, Visser AJWG (2007). “Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) Data Analysis with TIMP.” Journal of Statistical Software, 18(8). doi:10.18637/jss.v018.i08.
See https://glotaran.github.io/TIMP/ for further documentation.
is the class for diagonal matrix model specification;
such models are internally initialized when a tri-linear-type
model is fit to the data via passing the argument opt
to fitModel
as an object of class opt
in which
the slot trilinear
has the value TRUE
All objects of class amp
are sub-classes of
class dat
; see documentation for dat
for a description of
these slots.
See kin-class
for an
example of the initialization of a
object via the initModel
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("amp", ...)
list of vectors of starting values for the parameters of the amplitudes for each dataset; one vector of values is used to parameterize the values corresponding to each dataset.
Class kin-class
, directly.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
, spec-class
, opt-class
Baseline subtraction from a vector, usually representing an IRF.
baseIRF(irfvec, indexlow, indexhigh, removeNeg = FALSE)
baseIRF(irfvec, indexlow, indexhigh, removeNeg = FALSE)
irfvec |
Vector to subtract a baseline from |
indexlow |
Lowest index to base the baseline estimation on |
indexhigh |
Highest index to base the baseline estimation on |
removeNeg |
Whether negative values should be replaced with 0. |
Currently estimates the baseline as the mean of data between indexlow and indexhigh, and subtracts the result from the entire vector.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
irfvec <- rnorm(128, mean=1) plot(irfvec,type="l") irfvec_corrected <- baseIRF(irfvec, 1, 10) lines(irfvec_corrected, col=2)
irfvec <- rnorm(128, mean=1) plot(irfvec,type="l") irfvec_corrected <- baseIRF(irfvec, 1, 10) lines(irfvec_corrected, col=2)
is the super-class of other classes representing models and data, so
that other model/data classes (e.g., kin
and spec
for kinetic and spectral
models respectively) also have the slots defined here. Slots whose
description are marked with *** may
be specified in the ...
argument of the initModel
Objects from the class
can be created by calls of the form new("dat", ...)
, but
most are most often made by invoking another function such as
or initModel
:*** Object of class "vector"
vector of values to scale the parameter vector with.
:*** Object of class "list"
list of vectors
c(first_x, last_x, first_x2, last_x2, weight)
where each vector is of length 5 and
specifies an interval in which to weight the data.
first_x: first(absolute, not an index) x
to weight
last_x: last (absolute, not an index) x
to weight
first_x2: first (absolute, not an index) x2
to weight
last_x2: last (absolute, not an index) x2
to weight
weight: numeric by which to weight data
Note that if vector elements 1-4 are NA
(not a number), the firstmost
point of the data is taken for elements 1 and 3, and the lastmost points
are taken for 2 and 4.
For example, weightpar = list(c(40, 1500, 400, 600, .9),
c(NA, NA, 700, 800, .1))
will weight data between times 40 and 1500
picoseconds and 700 and 800 wavelengths by .9, and will weight data at
all times between wavelength 700 and 800 by .1.
Note also that for single photon counting data
weightpar = list(poisson = TRUE)
will apply poisson weighting to all
non-zero elements of the data.
:*** Object of class "character"
character string defining the model type, e.g.,
or "spec"
:*** Object of class "list"
list of lists or vectors giving the parameter values
to fix (at their starting values) during optimization.
:*** Object of class "list"
list of lists or vectors giving the parameter values
to free during optimization; if this list is present then all parameters
not specified in it are fixed, e.g., free = list(irfpar = 2)
will fix
every parameter at its starting value except for the 2nd irfpar
. If
fix = list(none=TRUE)
(or if the element none
has length
greater than 0) then all parameters in the model are fixed. Note that this
option only should be applied to multiexperiment models in which at least one
parameter applying to some other dataset is optimized (nls
always must
have at least one parameter to optimize).
:*** Object of class "list"
list whose elements
are lists containing a character vector what
, a vector ind
, and
either (but not both) a character vector low
and high
should specify the parameter type to constrain. ind
should give the index of the parameter to be constrained, e.g., 1
indexing into a vector, and c(1,2)
if indexing into a list.
gives a number that the parameter should always remain lower
than and high
gives a number that the parameter should always remain
higher than (so that low
bounds the parameter value from above and
bounds the parameter value from below). It is not now possible to
specify both low
and high
for a single parameter value. An
example of a complete constrained
specification is
constrained = list(list(what = "kinpar", ind = 2, low = .3),
list(what = "parmu", ind = c(1,1), high = .002))
:*** Object of class "list"
list of lists with elements low
, high
, specifying the least value in x2
to constrain
to zero, the greatest value in x2
constrain to zero, and the component to which to apply the zero constraint,
respectively. e.g., clp0 = list(list(low=400, high = 600, comp=2),
list(low = 600, high = 650, comp=4))
applies zero constraints to the spectra
associated with components 2 and 4.
:*** Object of class "list"
that has two
elements; oldRes
the output of fitModel
and an index ind
representing the
index of the dataset to use in oldRes
; ind
defaults to
one. The clp that are negative in oldRes
are constrained to
zero in the new model; this is primarily useful when fitting a model,
finding some negative clp, and constraining them to zero by fitting
again with this option. See also the help page for opt
other ways to constrain the clp to non-negativity.
:*** Object of class "list"
list of lists each of which has elements to,
from, low, high
, and optional element dataset
to specify the dataset
from which to get the reference clp (that is, a spectrum for kinetic
models). to
is the component to be fixed in relation to some other
component; from is the reference component. low
and high
are the
least and greatest absolute values of the clp
vector to constrain.
clpequspec = list(list(low = 400, high = 600, to = 1, from = 2))
will constrain the first component to equality to the second component
between wavelengths 400 and 600. Note that equality constraints are
actually constraints to a linear relationship. For each of the equality
constraints specified as a list in the clpequspec
list, specify a
starting value parameterizing this linear relation in the vector
; if true equality is desired then fix the corresponding
parameter in clpequ
to 1. Note that if multiple components are
constrained, the from
in the sublists should be increasing order,
(i.e., (list(to=2, from=1, low=100, high=10000),
list(to=3, from=1, low=10000, high=100))
, not list(to=3, from=1, low=10000, high=100),
list(to=2, from=1, low=10000, high=100)
:***Object of class "vector"
describes the
parameters governing the clp equality constraints specified in clpequspec
:*** Object of class "list"
list of lists to specify the functional
relationship between parameters, each of which has elements
what1character string describing the parameter type to relate,
e.g., "kinpar"
what2the parameter type on which the relation is based; usually
the same as what1
ind1index into what1
ind2index into what2
relcharacter string, optional argument to specify functional relation type, by default linear
prelspec = list(list(what1 = "kinpar", what2 = "kinpar", ind1 = 1,
ind2 = 5))
relates the 1st element of kinpar
to the 5th element of
. The starting values parameterizing the relationship are
given in the prel
:*** Object of class "vector"
character strings of those parameter vectors to constrain to positivity,
e.g., positivepar=c("kinpar")
:Object of class "logical"
when the specification in
is to be applied and FALSE
: Object of class "matrix"
dataset from 1 experiment
:Object of class "matrix"
weighted dataset from 1 experiment
:Object of class "vector"
time or other independent
:Object of class "integer"
length x
:Object of class "vector"
vector of points in
2nd independent dimension, such as wavelengths of wavenumbers
:Object of class "integer"
length x2
:Object of class "matrix"
concentration matrix for
simulated data
:Object of class "matrix"
matrix of spectra for
simulated data
:Object of class "numeric"
noise level in
simulated data
:Object of class "vector"
vector of
parameter names, used internally
: Object of class "logical"
logical that is TRUE
if the data is simulated,
otherwise; will determine whether values in C2
are plotted with results
:Object of class "matrix"
:Object of class "list"
type of smoothing to apply with weighting; not currently
: Object of class "character"
specifies the prefix of files written to
:Object of class "logical"
if specification in clp0
is to be applied and FALSE
:Object of class "logical"
if specification in clpequspec
is to be applied and FALSE
: Object of class "character"
displayed on output plots
:Object of class "list"
list describing fitting history
:Object of class "list"
list of calls to functions
: Object of class "list"
: Object of class "list"
: Object of class "list"
containing dummy parameters
: Object of class "vector"
vector of starting parameters for dataset scaling relations
: Object of class "numeric"
numeric by which to scale the x
axis in plotting
vector of starting values for the relations described in prelspec
:Object of class "vector"
vector containing indices of fixed parameters
:Object of class "vector"
used internally to
store indices of related parameters.
:Object of class "numeric"
describing the
number of iterations that is run; this is sometimes
stored after fitting, but has not effect as an argument to
:Object of class "list"
used internally to enforce constraints on the clp
:Object of class "numeric"
describing the number of components in a model
:Object of class "logical"
describing whether a model is dependent on the index
of x2
:Object of class "matrix"
for use with FLIM data; represents the number of photons
per pixel measured over the course of all
times $t$ represented by the dataset. See the help for the readData
function for more information.
:Object of class "character"
containing the name of a datafile associated with the psi.df
:Object of class "character"
that is "nt" if the model has clp in the "x" dimension and "nl" otherwise
(so that, e.g., if mod\_type = "kin"
, then clpType = "nl"
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum, Joris J. Snellenburg, Sergey P. Laptenok
# simulate data C <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) k <- c(.5, 1) t <- seq(0, 2, by = 2/50) C[, 1] <- exp( - k[1] * t) C[, 2] <- exp( - k[2] * t) E <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) wavenum <- seq(18000, 28000, by=200) location <- c(25000, 20000) delta <- c(5000, 7000) amp <- c(1, 2) E[, 1] <- amp[1] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[1])/delta[1])^2) E[, 2] <- amp[2] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[2])/delta[2])^2) sigma <- .001 Psi_q <- C %*% t(E) + sigma * rnorm(nrow(C) * nrow(E)) # initialize an object of class dat Psi_q_data <- dat(psi.df = Psi_q, x = t, nt = length(t), x2 = wavenum, nl = length(wavenum)) # initialize an object of class dat via initModel # this dat object is also a kin object kinetic_model <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", seqmod = FALSE, kinpar = c(.1, 2))
# simulate data C <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) k <- c(.5, 1) t <- seq(0, 2, by = 2/50) C[, 1] <- exp( - k[1] * t) C[, 2] <- exp( - k[2] * t) E <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) wavenum <- seq(18000, 28000, by=200) location <- c(25000, 20000) delta <- c(5000, 7000) amp <- c(1, 2) E[, 1] <- amp[1] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[1])/delta[1])^2) E[, 2] <- amp[2] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[2])/delta[2])^2) sigma <- .001 Psi_q <- C %*% t(E) + sigma * rnorm(nrow(C) * nrow(E)) # initialize an object of class dat Psi_q_data <- dat(psi.df = Psi_q, x = t, nt = length(t), x2 = wavenum, nl = length(wavenum)) # initialize an object of class dat via initModel # this dat object is also a kin object kinetic_model <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", seqmod = FALSE, kinpar = c(.1, 2))
Time-resolved absorption data measured at two different laser intensities
data("denS4") data("denS5")
data("denS4") data("denS5")
is an object of class dat
representing absorption
is an object of class dat
representing absorption
data measured at half the laser intensity as compared to the
intensity used to measure denS4
This data was described in Mullen KM, van Stokkum IHM (2007). TIMP: An R Package for Modeling Multi-way Spectroscopic Measurements. Journal of Statistical Software, 18(3), doi:10.18637/jss.v018.i03.
data("denS4") image.plot(denS4@x, denS4@x2, [email protected])
data("denS4") image.plot(denS4@x, denS4@x2, denS4@psi.df)
An image plot of a matrix is a way of visualizing data; when the data represents a quantity like transient absorption, where negative values represent a different phenomena than positive values, it can be useful to set values at zero in the image plot to grey, whereas positive values are assigned to red, and negative values are assigned to blue. Alternately, when comparing image plots of several matrices, it may be useful to set the value assigned to grey uniformly, with values above this threshold assigned to red, and below this threshold assigned to blue.
divergeZimage(ob, out=FALSE, file="divergeZimage.pdf", lin = 1, title = "", center = 0, x2 = vector(), x= vector(), plainmat = FALSE, ylab="wavelength (nm)", xlab = "time (ns)")
divergeZimage(ob, out=FALSE, file="divergeZimage.pdf", lin = 1, title = "", center = 0, x2 = vector(), x= vector(), plainmat = FALSE, ylab="wavelength (nm)", xlab = "time (ns)")
ob |
either an object of class |
out |
a logical indicating whether to write to the screen in the
case that this is possible or to a file; if |
file |
a character vector giving a filename to write to in the case
that |
lin |
range of |
title |
character vector giving a title for the plot |
center |
point assigned to grey in the diverging palette. |
x2 |
vector of labels for the columns of the matrix; used only if
x |
vector of labels for the rows of the matrix; used only if
plainmat |
logical indicating whether |
ylab |
character vector giving a label to put on the y-axis |
xlab |
character vector giving a label to put on the x-axis |
No return value, called for side effects
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
exd <- dat(psi.df=matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol=100, nrow=100), x=1:100,x2=1:100, nl=as.integer(100), nt=as.integer(100)) ## by default linear range until 1 is used, logarithmic thereafter divergeZimage(exd) ## can change this as desired divergeZimage(exd, lin=10, title="plot linearly to 10")
exd <- dat(psi.df=matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol=100, nrow=100), x=1:100,x2=1:100, nl=as.integer(100), nt=as.integer(100)) ## by default linear range until 1 is used, logarithmic thereafter divergeZimage(exd) ## can change this as desired divergeZimage(exd, lin=10, title="plot linearly to 10")
Donor-and-acceptor tagged fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data.
and cy006
are objects of class dat
representing donor-and-acceptor tagged data.
See FLIMplots
for examples using this data.
This data was described in
Mullen KM, van Stokkum IHM (2008). The variable projection algorithm in time-resolved spectroscopy, microscopy and mass-spectroscopy applications, Numerical Algorithms, in press, doi:10.1007/s11075-008-9235-2.
Donor-only tagged fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data.
and c003
are objects of class dat
representing donor-only data.
See FLIMplots
for examples using this data.
This data was described in
Mullen KM, van Stokkum IHM (2008). The variable projection algorithm in time-resolved spectroscopy, microscopy and mass-spectroscopy applications, Numerical Algorithms, in press, doi:10.1007/s11075-008-9235-2.
'tim' efit files sometimes represent spectra associated with multiple datasets; for each matrix of spectra stored in such a file, this function writes a plain text file.
efit2file(filename, skip = 2, numcol, nrows=vector())
efit2file(filename, skip = 2, numcol, nrows=vector())
filename |
This is the path to the file to read in, as a quoted string. |
skip |
number of lines at the top of the file before the data begins |
numcol |
number of columns the data |
nrows |
a vector saying how many rows are in each of the matrices
of spectra in the file; for instance |
No return value, called for side effects
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Examine the results of a call to fitModel
by a call to plotting functions; call this function with argument
an object returned from fitModel
. Possibly also supply a new
specification of plots to be generated.
examineFit(resultfitModel, opt=vector())
examineFit(resultfitModel, opt=vector())
resultfitModel |
list returned by a call to |
opt |
possibly an object of class |
The fitModel
function returns a list of results,
and initiates plotting
functions. Given the resultfitModel
list fitModel
initiates the plotting functions, and thus may be
used to examine results.
No return value, called for side effects
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Class to store results of model fitting associated with
all datasets in a single call to the fitModel
An object of class fit
is stored in
the slot fit
of objects of class multimodel
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("fit", ...)
: Object of class "list"
that contains
an object of class res
for each dataset modeled, in the order
that they were specified.
:Object of class "list"
named elements
onlsoutput of the call to nls
used in model optimization.
sumonlsresult of call summary(onls)
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Performs optimization of (possibly multidataset) models and outputs plots and files representing the fit of the model to the data.
fitModel(data, modspec=list(), datasetind = vector(), modeldiffs = list(), opt = opt(),lprogress=FALSE )
fitModel(data, modspec=list(), datasetind = vector(), modeldiffs = list(), opt = opt(),lprogress=FALSE )
data |
list of objects of class |
modspec |
list whose elements are models of class |
datasetind |
vector that has the same length as |
modeldiffs |
list whose elements specify any dataset-specific model differences.
opt |
Object of class |
lprogress |
Logical specifying whether textual output of fitting progress is returned |
This function applies the nls
function internally to
optimize nonlinear parameters and to solve for conditionally linear parameters
(clp) via the partitioned variable projection algorithm.
A list is returned containing the following elements:
currTheta is a list of objects
of class theta
whose elements contain the parameter estimates
associated with each dataset modeled.
currModel is an object of class multimodel
containing the results of fitting as well as the model
toPlotter is a list containing all arguments used by the plotting
function; it is used to regenerate plots and other output by the
nlsprogress if lprogress = TRUE textual output of the fitting progress is returned as an array of strings
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Mullen KM, van Stokkum IHM (2007). “TIMP: an R package for modeling multi-way spectroscopic measurements.” Journal of Statistical Software, 18(3). doi:10.18637/jss.v018.i03
, initModel
## 2 simulated concentration profiles in time C <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) k <- c(.5, 1) t <- seq(0, 2, by = 2/50) C[, 1] <- exp( - k[1] * t) C[, 2] <- exp( - k[2] * t) ## 2 simulated spectra in wavelength E <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) wavenum <- seq(18000,28000, by=200) location <- c(25000, 20000) delta <- c(5000, 7000) amp <- c(1, 2) E[, 1] <- amp[1] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[1])/delta[1])^2) E[, 2] <- amp[2] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[2])/delta[2])^2) ## simulated time-resolved spectra sigma <- .001 Psi_q <- C %*% t(E) + sigma * rnorm(nrow(C) * nrow(E)) ## as an object of class dat Psi_q_data <- dat(psi.df = Psi_q, x = t, nt = length(t), x2 = wavenum, nl = length(wavenum)) ## model for the data in the time-domain kinetic_model <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", seqmod = FALSE, kinpar = c(.1, 2)) ## fit the model kinetic_fit <- fitModel(data = list(Psi_q_data), modspec = list(kinetic_model), opt = kinopt(iter=4, plot=FALSE))
## 2 simulated concentration profiles in time C <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) k <- c(.5, 1) t <- seq(0, 2, by = 2/50) C[, 1] <- exp( - k[1] * t) C[, 2] <- exp( - k[2] * t) ## 2 simulated spectra in wavelength E <- matrix(nrow = 51, ncol = 2) wavenum <- seq(18000,28000, by=200) location <- c(25000, 20000) delta <- c(5000, 7000) amp <- c(1, 2) E[, 1] <- amp[1] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[1])/delta[1])^2) E[, 2] <- amp[2] * exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavenum - location[2])/delta[2])^2) ## simulated time-resolved spectra sigma <- .001 Psi_q <- C %*% t(E) + sigma * rnorm(nrow(C) * nrow(E)) ## as an object of class dat Psi_q_data <- dat(psi.df = Psi_q, x = t, nt = length(t), x2 = wavenum, nl = length(wavenum)) ## model for the data in the time-domain kinetic_model <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", seqmod = FALSE, kinpar = c(.1, 2)) ## fit the model kinetic_fit <- fitModel(data = list(Psi_q_data), modspec = list(kinetic_model), opt = kinopt(iter=4, plot=FALSE))
Functions to plot FLIM results.
plotHistAmp(multimodel, t, i=1) plotHistNormComp(multimodel, t, i=1) plotIntenImage(multimodel, t, i=1, tit=c("Intensity Image")) plotSelIntenImage(multimodel, t, i=1, tit=c("Region of Interest"), cex=1) plotTau(multimodel, t, i=1, tit=" < tau > ", plotoptions=kinopt(), lifetimes=TRUE) plotNormComp(multimodel, t, i=1)
plotHistAmp(multimodel, t, i=1) plotHistNormComp(multimodel, t, i=1) plotIntenImage(multimodel, t, i=1, tit=c("Intensity Image")) plotSelIntenImage(multimodel, t, i=1, tit=c("Region of Interest"), cex=1) plotTau(multimodel, t, i=1, tit=" < tau > ", plotoptions=kinopt(), lifetimes=TRUE) plotNormComp(multimodel, t, i=1)
multimodel |
the |
t |
the |
i |
dataset index to make plot for |
tit |
Character vector giving the title |
plotoptions |
object of class |
cex |
A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default |
lifetimes |
A logical value indicating whether the averages per-pixel should be for lifetimes or their inverse, decay rates. |
No return value, called for side effects
Katharine M. Mullen, Sergey Laptenok, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
############################## ## READ IN DATA, PREPROCESS DATA ############################## ## data representing only donor tagged data("donorTagged") D1 <- preProcess(c001, sel_time=c(25,230)) D2 <- preProcess(c003, sel_time=c(25,230)) ## data representing donor-acceptor tagged data("donorAcceptorTagged") DA1 <- preProcess(cy005c, sel_time=c(25,230)) DA2 <- preProcess(cy006, sel_time=c(25,230)) ############################## ## READ IN MEASURED IRF, PREPROCESS IRF ############################## data("mea_IRF") mea_IRF <- baseIRF(mea_IRF, 100, 150)[25:230] ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ############################## modelC <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", ## starting values for decays kinpar=c(1.52, 0.36), ## numerical convolution algorithm to use convalg = 2, ## measured IRF measured_irf = mea_IRF, lambdac = 650, ## shift of the irf is fixed parmu = list(0), fixed = list(parmu=1), ## one component represents a pulse-following with the IRF shape cohspec = list(type = "irf"), ## parallel kinetics seqmod=FALSE, ## decay parameters are non-negative positivepar=c("kinpar"), title="Global CFP bi-exp model with pulse-follower") ############################## ## FIT MODEL FOR DONOR ONLY DATA ############################## fitD <- fitModel(list(D1,D2), list(modelC), ## estimate the linear coeefficients per-dataset modeldiffs = list(linkclp=list(1,2)), opt=kinopt(iter=1, linrange = 10, addfilename = TRUE, output = "pdf", makeps = "globalD", notraces = TRUE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(c001@x2), by=11), summaryplotcol = 4, summaryplotrow = 4, ylimspec = c(1, 2.5), xlab = "time (ns)", ylab = "pixel number", FLIM=TRUE)) ############################## ## FIT MODEL FOR DONOR-ACCEPTOR DATA ############################## fitDA <- fitModel(list(DA1,DA2), list(modelC), ## estimate the linear coeefficients per-dataset modeldiffs = list(linkclp=list(1,2)), opt=kinopt(iter=1, linrange = 10, addfilename = TRUE, output = "pdf", makeps = "globalDA", notraces = TRUE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(c001@x2), by=11), summaryplotcol = 4, summaryplotrow = 4, ylimspec = c(1, 2.5), xlab = "time (ns)", ylab = "pixel number", FLIM=TRUE)) ############################## ## COMPARE THE DECAY RATES ############################## parEst(fitD) parEst(fitDA) ############################## ## ADDITIONAL FIGURES ############################## oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(1,3,1,12)) par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="") par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="") par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="") par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="") par(oldpar) ############### plo <- kinopt(ylimspec = c(.25,1.1), imagepal=grey(seq(1,0,length=100))) par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(1,3,1,12)) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="",plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="",plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="",plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="", plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(oldpar) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c('globalDA_paramEst.txt', 'globalDA_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'globalDA_spec_dataset_2.txt', 'globalD_paramEst.txt', 'globalD_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'globalD_spec_dataset_2.txt', Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
############################## ## READ IN DATA, PREPROCESS DATA ############################## ## data representing only donor tagged data("donorTagged") D1 <- preProcess(c001, sel_time=c(25,230)) D2 <- preProcess(c003, sel_time=c(25,230)) ## data representing donor-acceptor tagged data("donorAcceptorTagged") DA1 <- preProcess(cy005c, sel_time=c(25,230)) DA2 <- preProcess(cy006, sel_time=c(25,230)) ############################## ## READ IN MEASURED IRF, PREPROCESS IRF ############################## data("mea_IRF") mea_IRF <- baseIRF(mea_IRF, 100, 150)[25:230] ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ############################## modelC <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", ## starting values for decays kinpar=c(1.52, 0.36), ## numerical convolution algorithm to use convalg = 2, ## measured IRF measured_irf = mea_IRF, lambdac = 650, ## shift of the irf is fixed parmu = list(0), fixed = list(parmu=1), ## one component represents a pulse-following with the IRF shape cohspec = list(type = "irf"), ## parallel kinetics seqmod=FALSE, ## decay parameters are non-negative positivepar=c("kinpar"), title="Global CFP bi-exp model with pulse-follower") ############################## ## FIT MODEL FOR DONOR ONLY DATA ############################## fitD <- fitModel(list(D1,D2), list(modelC), ## estimate the linear coeefficients per-dataset modeldiffs = list(linkclp=list(1,2)), opt=kinopt(iter=1, linrange = 10, addfilename = TRUE, output = "pdf", makeps = "globalD", notraces = TRUE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(c001@x2), by=11), summaryplotcol = 4, summaryplotrow = 4, ylimspec = c(1, 2.5), xlab = "time (ns)", ylab = "pixel number", FLIM=TRUE)) ############################## ## FIT MODEL FOR DONOR-ACCEPTOR DATA ############################## fitDA <- fitModel(list(DA1,DA2), list(modelC), ## estimate the linear coeefficients per-dataset modeldiffs = list(linkclp=list(1,2)), opt=kinopt(iter=1, linrange = 10, addfilename = TRUE, output = "pdf", makeps = "globalDA", notraces = TRUE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(c001@x2), by=11), summaryplotcol = 4, summaryplotrow = 4, ylimspec = c(1, 2.5), xlab = "time (ns)", ylab = "pixel number", FLIM=TRUE)) ############################## ## COMPARE THE DECAY RATES ############################## parEst(fitD) parEst(fitDA) ############################## ## ADDITIONAL FIGURES ############################## oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(1,3,1,12)) par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="") par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="") par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="") par(cex=1.5) plotIntenImage(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="") par(oldpar) ############### plo <- kinopt(ylimspec = c(.25,1.1), imagepal=grey(seq(1,0,length=100))) par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(1,3,1,12)) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="",plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 1, tit="",plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitD$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="",plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(cex=1.5) plotTau(fitDA$currModel, fitD$currTheta, 2, tit="", plotoptions=plo, lifetimes=FALSE) par(oldpar) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c('globalDA_paramEst.txt', 'globalDA_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'globalDA_spec_dataset_2.txt', 'globalD_paramEst.txt', 'globalD_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'globalD_spec_dataset_2.txt', Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
Gets the matrix associated with nonlinear parameter estimates for the case that this matrix is not re-calculated per conditionally linear parameter.
getClpindepX(model, multimodel, theta, returnX, rawtheta, dind)
getClpindepX(model, multimodel, theta, returnX, rawtheta, dind)
model |
Object of class |
multimodel |
Object of class |
theta |
Vector of nonlinear parameter estimates. |
returnX |
logical indicating whether to return a vectorized version of
the |
rawtheta |
vector of nonlinear parameters; used in standard error determination |
dind |
numeric indicating the dataset index; used in standard error determination |
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
For data correction, fits a model exactly as does
(but ignores
plotting commands) in order to obtain the SVD of the residuals. These
residuals can then be subtracted away from the original data to some
extent with the preProcess
getResid(data, modspec=list(), datasetind = vector(), modeldiffs = list(), opt = opt() )
getResid(data, modspec=list(), datasetind = vector(), modeldiffs = list(), opt = opt() )
data |
As in the |
modspec |
As in the |
datasetind |
As in the |
modeldiffs |
As in the |
opt |
As in the |
list containing the first five left and right singular vectors of the residuals, as well as the first five singular values. A weight matrix (if used) is also included in this list.
Functions to print and return parts of the object returned
by fitModel
. onls
returns the output of the
function. sumonls
returns the result of calling summary
on onls
function. parEst
returns a summary of model
parameter estimates. The remaining functions return lists
representing various aspects of the results returned by the function
onls(result) sumnls(result) parEst(result, param = "", dataset = NA, verbose = TRUE, file="", stderr=TRUE) getXList(result, group = vector(), file="") getCLPList(result, getclperr = FALSE, file="") getX(result, group = vector(), dataset=1, file="", lreturnA = FALSE, lreturnC = FALSE) getC(result, dataset=1, file="") getCLP(result, getclperr = FALSE, dataset=1, file="") getDAS(result, getclperr = FALSE, dataset=1, file="") getData(result, dataset = 1, weighted = FALSE) getResiduals(result, dataset = 1) getSVDResiduals(result, numsing = 2, dataset = 1) getTraces(result, dataset = 1, file="") getdim1(result, dataset = 1) getdim2(result, dataset = 1)
onls(result) sumnls(result) parEst(result, param = "", dataset = NA, verbose = TRUE, file="", stderr=TRUE) getXList(result, group = vector(), file="") getCLPList(result, getclperr = FALSE, file="") getX(result, group = vector(), dataset=1, file="", lreturnA = FALSE, lreturnC = FALSE) getC(result, dataset=1, file="") getCLP(result, getclperr = FALSE, dataset=1, file="") getDAS(result, getclperr = FALSE, dataset=1, file="") getData(result, dataset = 1, weighted = FALSE) getResiduals(result, dataset = 1) getSVDResiduals(result, numsing = 2, dataset = 1) getTraces(result, dataset = 1, file="") getdim1(result, dataset = 1) getdim2(result, dataset = 1)
result |
return value of |
param |
character vector of the particular parameters to return;
if |
dataset |
index of the dataset from which to return results; by
default |
verbose |
logical that defaults to |
getclperr |
logical that defaults to |
numsing |
integer that defaults to 2; determines the number of singular vectors to return |
weighted |
logical indicating whether to return weighted or unweighted data |
lreturnA |
logical indicating whether to return an A matrix instead |
lreturnC |
logical indicating whether to return a C matrix instead |
file |
character vector; if not |
group |
The value at which to determine the X matrix (maybe a wavelength index, for example) |
stderr |
Whether to return standard error estimates on parameters, if they were calculated in fitting. |
returns an object of class "summary.nls"
returns an object of class "nls"
returns an object of class "list"
the parameter estimates and the standard errors if stderr=TRUE
and they have been calculated.
returns a "list"
of length equal to the number of
datasets modeled, where each element represents the matrix determined
by the nonlinear parameters (under a kinetic model, the concentrations).
returns a "list"
of length equal to the number of
datasets modeled, where each element represents the matrix determined
as conditionally linear parameters (under a kinetic model, the spectra).
returns a numeric "matrix"
that represents the matrix determined
by the nonlinear parameters (under a kinetic model, the concentrations).
However, in case lreturnC = TRUE it returns the C matrix, and in case
lreturnA = TRUE it returns the A matrix that is used to compute
the C matrix in case the kinetic model differs from parallel decays.
returns (under a kinetic model) a numeric "matrix"
that represents the raw matrix of concentrations of the dataset determined
by the nonlinear parameters.
returns (under a kinetic model) a numeric "matrix"
that represents the Decay Associated Spectra (DAS).
returns a numeric "matrix"
that represents the matrix determined
as conditionally linear parameters (under a kinetic model, the spectra).
returns a "list"
of length 3 with named elements
, left
and right
, where values
contains the singular values, left
contains numsing
left singular vectors, and right
contains numsing
right singular vectors, all of the unweighted data. The number of singular
vectors returned is determined by numsing
returns the dataset specified by the
argument dataset
(weighted data in the case
that weighted=TRUE
) as a "matrix"
returns a "matrix"
of residuals for the
dataset with index given by the argument dataset
; the matrix
returned has the dimension of the dataset itself.
returns a "list"
of length 3 with named elements
, left
and right
, where values
contains the singular values, left
contains numsing
left singular vectors, and right
contains numsing
right singular vectors, all of the residuals. The number of singular
vectors returned is determined by numsing
returns a "matrix"
of model estimates for the
dataset with index given by the argument dataset
; the matrix
returned has the dimension of the dataset itself.
returns a "vector"
values in the dataset (times for kinetic models).
returns a "vector"
values (wavelengths for kinetic models).
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
## Example showing the addition of non-negativity constraints to ## conditionally linear parameters (here the spectra associated with ## a kinetic model) ## For the 1st simulated dataset, the constraints offer a modest improvement ## in the estimated spectra, whereas for the 2nd simulated dataset, they ## prevent a catastrophe in which the estimated components are hugely ## compensating. ############################## ## load TIMP ############################## require(TIMP) ############################## ## set random seed for reproducability of noise ############################## set.seed(80) ############################## ## SIMULATE DATA, noise realization 1 ############################## dt4 <- simndecay_gen(kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod = FALSE, tmax = 2, deltat = .04, specpar = list(c(25000, 3000, .01), c(22000, 3000, .01), c(18000, 3000, .01)), lmin=350, lmax=550, deltal = 2, sigma=.01) ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ############################## mod1 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod=FALSE) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ############################## sT <- fitModel(list(dt4), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50, plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have some negative values ############################## sTcp <- getCLP(sT) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sTcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, adding no constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ## adding constraints to non-negativity of the ## spectra via the opt option nnls=TRUE ############################## sV <- fitModel(list(dt4), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50, nnls=TRUE, plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have no negative values ############################## sVcp <- getCLP(sV) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sVcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, with non-negativity constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) ############################## ## SIMULATE DATA, noise realization 2 ############################## dt4_2 <- simndecay_gen(kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod = FALSE, tmax = 2, deltat = .04, specpar = list(c(25000, 3000, .01), c(22000, 3000, .01), c(18000, 3000, .01)), lmin=350, lmax=550, deltal = 2, sigma=.01) ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ############################## mod1 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod=FALSE) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ############################## sT <- fitModel(list(dt4_2), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50,plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have some negative values ############################## sTcp <- getCLP(sT) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sTcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, adding no constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ## adding constraints to non-negativity of the ## spectra via the opt option nnls=TRUE ############################## sV <- fitModel(list(dt4_2), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50, nnls=TRUE, plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have no negative values ############################## sVcp <- getCLP(sV) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sVcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, with non-negativity constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c(Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
## Example showing the addition of non-negativity constraints to ## conditionally linear parameters (here the spectra associated with ## a kinetic model) ## For the 1st simulated dataset, the constraints offer a modest improvement ## in the estimated spectra, whereas for the 2nd simulated dataset, they ## prevent a catastrophe in which the estimated components are hugely ## compensating. ############################## ## load TIMP ############################## require(TIMP) ############################## ## set random seed for reproducability of noise ############################## set.seed(80) ############################## ## SIMULATE DATA, noise realization 1 ############################## dt4 <- simndecay_gen(kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod = FALSE, tmax = 2, deltat = .04, specpar = list(c(25000, 3000, .01), c(22000, 3000, .01), c(18000, 3000, .01)), lmin=350, lmax=550, deltal = 2, sigma=.01) ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ############################## mod1 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod=FALSE) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ############################## sT <- fitModel(list(dt4), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50, plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have some negative values ############################## sTcp <- getCLP(sT) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sTcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, adding no constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ## adding constraints to non-negativity of the ## spectra via the opt option nnls=TRUE ############################## sV <- fitModel(list(dt4), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50, nnls=TRUE, plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have no negative values ############################## sVcp <- getCLP(sV) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sVcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, with non-negativity constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) ############################## ## SIMULATE DATA, noise realization 2 ############################## dt4_2 <- simndecay_gen(kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod = FALSE, tmax = 2, deltat = .04, specpar = list(c(25000, 3000, .01), c(22000, 3000, .01), c(18000, 3000, .01)), lmin=350, lmax=550, deltal = 2, sigma=.01) ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ############################## mod1 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar = c(.4, .8, 2), seqmod=FALSE) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ############################## sT <- fitModel(list(dt4_2), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50,plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have some negative values ############################## sTcp <- getCLP(sT) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sTcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, adding no constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ## adding constraints to non-negativity of the ## spectra via the opt option nnls=TRUE ############################## sV <- fitModel(list(dt4_2), list(mod1), opt=kinopt(iter=50, nnls=TRUE, plot=FALSE)) ############################## ## EXTRACT ESTIMATED SPECTRA ## these spectra have no negative values ############################## sVcp <- getCLP(sV) ## plot the estimated spectra with the values used in ## simulation (before adding noise) for comparison matplot(dt4@x2, sVcp, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", col = 2:4, type="l", ylab="",lty=1, main = paste("Estimated spectra, with non-negativity constraints\n")) matplot(dt4@x2,dt4@E2, add=TRUE, type="l", col=1, lty=2) abline(0,0) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c(Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
Allows definition of a model of class "dat" to be used in analysis. The arguments specify the model.
... |
specify the model class via the character string
e.g., |
For examples, see the help files for dat-class
an object of class dat
with the sub-class given by the value of
the mod_type
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
, kin-class
############################## ## READ IN PSI 1 ############################## data(denS4) ############################## ## PREPROCESS PSI 1 ############################## denS4<-preProcess(data = denS4, scalx2 = c(3.78, 643.5)) ############################## ## READ IN PSI 2 ############################## data(denS5) ############################## ## PREPROCESS PSI 2 ############################## denS5<-preProcess(data = denS5, scalx2 = c(3.78, 643.5)) ############################## ## DEFINE INITIAL MODEL ############################## model1<- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar= c(7.9, 1.08, 0.129, .0225, .00156) , irfpar=c( -.1018, 0.0434), disptau=FALSE, dispmu=TRUE, parmu = list(c(.230)), lambdac = 650, seqmod=TRUE, positivepar=c("kinpar"), title="S4", cohspec = list( type = "irf")) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ############################## denRes1 <- fitModel(data=list(denS4, denS5), list(model1), opt=kinopt(iter=5, divdrel = TRUE, linrange = .2, makeps = "den1", selectedtraces = c(1,5,10), plotkinspec =TRUE, output="pdf", xlab = "time (ps)", ylab = "wavelength")) ############################## ## REFINE INITIAL MODEL, RE-FIT ## adding some per-dataset parameters ############################## denRes2 <- fitModel(data = list(denS4, denS5), modspec = list(model1), modeldiffs = list(dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=.457)), free = list( list(what = "irfpar", ind = 1, dataset = 2, start=-.1932), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 5, dataset = 2, start=.0004), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 4, dataset = 2, start= .0159) )), opt=kinopt(iter=5, divdrel = TRUE, linrange = .2, xlab = "time (ps)", ylab = "wavelength", output="pdf", makeps = "den2", selectedtraces = c(1,5,10))) ############################## ## REFINE MODEL FURTHER AS NEW MODEL OBJECT ############################## model2 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar= c(7.9, 1.08, 0.129, .0225, .00156), irfpar=c( -.1018, 0.0434), parmu = list(c(.230)), lambdac = 650, positivepar=c("kinpar", "coh"), cohspec = list( type = "seq", start = c(8000, 1800))) ############################## ## FIT NEW MODEL OBJECT ############################## denRes3 <- fitModel(data = list(denS4, denS5), list(model2), modeldiffs = list(dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=.457)), free = list( list(what = "irfpar", ind = 1, dataset = 2, start=-.1932), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 5, dataset = 2, start=.0004), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 4, dataset = 2, start= .0159) )), opt=kinopt(iter=5, divdrel = TRUE, linrange = .2, makeps = "den3", selectedtraces = c(1,5,10), plotkinspec =TRUE, stderrclp = TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, output="pdf", xlab = "time (ps)", ylab = "wavelength", breakdown = list(plot=c(643.50, 658.62, 677.5)))) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c('den1_paramEst.txt', 'den2_paramEst.txt', 'den3_paramEst.txt', Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
############################## ## READ IN PSI 1 ############################## data(denS4) ############################## ## PREPROCESS PSI 1 ############################## denS4<-preProcess(data = denS4, scalx2 = c(3.78, 643.5)) ############################## ## READ IN PSI 2 ############################## data(denS5) ############################## ## PREPROCESS PSI 2 ############################## denS5<-preProcess(data = denS5, scalx2 = c(3.78, 643.5)) ############################## ## DEFINE INITIAL MODEL ############################## model1<- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar= c(7.9, 1.08, 0.129, .0225, .00156) , irfpar=c( -.1018, 0.0434), disptau=FALSE, dispmu=TRUE, parmu = list(c(.230)), lambdac = 650, seqmod=TRUE, positivepar=c("kinpar"), title="S4", cohspec = list( type = "irf")) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ############################## denRes1 <- fitModel(data=list(denS4, denS5), list(model1), opt=kinopt(iter=5, divdrel = TRUE, linrange = .2, makeps = "den1", selectedtraces = c(1,5,10), plotkinspec =TRUE, output="pdf", xlab = "time (ps)", ylab = "wavelength")) ############################## ## REFINE INITIAL MODEL, RE-FIT ## adding some per-dataset parameters ############################## denRes2 <- fitModel(data = list(denS4, denS5), modspec = list(model1), modeldiffs = list(dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=.457)), free = list( list(what = "irfpar", ind = 1, dataset = 2, start=-.1932), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 5, dataset = 2, start=.0004), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 4, dataset = 2, start= .0159) )), opt=kinopt(iter=5, divdrel = TRUE, linrange = .2, xlab = "time (ps)", ylab = "wavelength", output="pdf", makeps = "den2", selectedtraces = c(1,5,10))) ############################## ## REFINE MODEL FURTHER AS NEW MODEL OBJECT ############################## model2 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar= c(7.9, 1.08, 0.129, .0225, .00156), irfpar=c( -.1018, 0.0434), parmu = list(c(.230)), lambdac = 650, positivepar=c("kinpar", "coh"), cohspec = list( type = "seq", start = c(8000, 1800))) ############################## ## FIT NEW MODEL OBJECT ############################## denRes3 <- fitModel(data = list(denS4, denS5), list(model2), modeldiffs = list(dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=.457)), free = list( list(what = "irfpar", ind = 1, dataset = 2, start=-.1932), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 5, dataset = 2, start=.0004), list(what = "kinpar", ind = 4, dataset = 2, start= .0159) )), opt=kinopt(iter=5, divdrel = TRUE, linrange = .2, makeps = "den3", selectedtraces = c(1,5,10), plotkinspec =TRUE, stderrclp = TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, output="pdf", xlab = "time (ps)", ylab = "wavelength", breakdown = list(plot=c(643.50, 658.62, 677.5)))) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c('den1_paramEst.txt', 'den2_paramEst.txt', 'den3_paramEst.txt', Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
is the class for kinetic models;
an object
of class "kin" is initialized if
mod_type = "kin"
is an
argument of initModel
All objects of class kin
are sub-classes of
class dat
; see documentation for dat
for a description of
these slots.
See dat-class
for an
example of the initialization of a
object via the initModel
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("kin", ...)
. Slots whose
description are marked with *** may
be specified in the ...
argument of the initModel
:Object of class "list"
of dummy parameters which can be used in complex relations
*** vector of rate constants to be used as starting values for the exponential decay of components; the length of this vector determines the number of components of the kinetic model.
:*** Object of class "list"
parameters for
spectral constraints
:*** Object of class "logical"
that is TRUE
if a sequential model is to be applied
:Object of class "logical"
that is TRUE
is an IRF is modeled and FALSE
:Object of class "logical"
that is TRUE
if a measured IRF is modeled and FALSE
:*** Object of class "vector"
containing a measured IRF
:*** Object of class "numeric"
1-3 determining the numerical convolution algorithm
used in the case of modeling a measured IRF; if 3
then supply a
reference lifetime in the slot reftau
:*** Object of class "numeric"
containing a
reference lifetime to be used when convalg=3
:*** Object of class "character"
describing the
function to use to describe the IRF, by default "gaus"
:*** Object of class "vector"
of IRF parameters; for the common Gaussian IRF this
vector is ordered c(location, width)
:Object of class "logical"
that is TRUE
if dispersion of the parameter for IRF
location is to be modeled and FALSE
:***Object of class "character"
describing the functional form of the
dispersion of the IRF location parameter; if equal to "discrete" then the
IRF location is shifted per element of x2
and parmu
should have the same
length as x2
. defaults to a polynomial description
:*** Object of class "list"
of starting values for the dispersion model for the
IRF location
:Object of class "logical"
that is TRUE
if dispersion of the parameter for
IRF width is to be modeled and FALSE
:*** Object of class "character"
describing the functional form of the
dispersion of the IRF width parameter; if equal to "discrete"
then the
IRF width is parameterized per element of x2
and partau
should have the same
length as x2
. defaults to a polynomial description
:*** Object of class "vector"
of starting values for the dispersion model for the
:Object of class "logical"
that is TRUE
if the data are to be modeled using a
compartmental model defined in a K matrix and FALSE
:*** Object of class "array"
containing the K matrix descriptive of a compartmental
:*** Object of class "vector"
containing the J vector descriptive of the inputs to a
compartmental model
:Object of class "vector"
describing the number of columns of the C matrix for
each clp in x2
:*** Object of class "vector"
of starting values for branching parameters in a
compartmental model
:Object of class "array"
of fitted values for a compartmental model
:*** Object of class "list"
describing the model for
coherent artifact/scatter component(s) containing the element type
and optionally the element numdatasets
. The element
can be set as follows:
:if type="irf"
, the coherent artifact/scatter has the
time profile of the IRF.
:if type="freeirfdisp"
, the coherent
artifact/scatter has a
Gaussian time profile whose location and width are parameterized in the
vector coh
:if type="irfmulti"
the time profile of
the IRF is used for
the coherent artifact/scatter model, but the IRF parameters are taken per
dataset (for the multidataset case), and the integer argument
must be equal to the
number of datasets modeled.
:if type="seq"
a sequential exponential decay
model is applied, whose starting value are contained in an additional
list element start
. This
often models oscillating behavior well, where the number of
oscillations is the number of parameter starting values given in
. The starting values after optimization will be found in
the slot coh
of the object of class theta
to each dataset modeled.
:if type="mix"
if type="mix"
a sequential exponential decay
model is applied along with a model that follows the time profile of the IRF;
the coherent artifact/scatter is then a linear superposition of these two
models; see the above description of seq
for how to supply the
starting values.
:*** Object of class "vector"
of starting values for the parameterization of a
coherent artifact
:*** Object of class "list"
describing the model for
additional oscillation component(s) containing the element type
and optionally the element start
. The element start
can be used to specify the starting values for the oscillation function. The element type
can be set as follows:
:if type="harmonic"
, the oscillation function is a damped harmonic oscillator.
:*** Object of class "vector"
of starting values for the oscillation parameters
:Object of class "logical"
describing whether the kinetic model is dependent on
index (i.e., whether there is clp-dependence)
:*** Object of class "numeric"
for the center wavelength to be used in a polynomial
description of x2
:*** Object of class "vector"
that may be used to multiply the concentrations by a square diagonal
matrix with the number of columns that the concentration matrix has;
the diagonal is given in amplitudes
and these values will be
treated as parameters to be optimized.
:*** Object of class "logical"
that defaults to FALSE
; if streak=TRUE
the period of the laser is expected via streakT
:*** Object of class "numeric"
the period of the laser; this will be used to add a
backsweep term to the concentration matrix and should be
set in conjunction streak=TRUE
:*** Object of class "logical"
that defaults to FALSE
and determines whether a double
Gaussian should be used to model the IRF. If doublegaus=TRUE
then irfpar
should contain four numeric values corresponding to
the location (mean) of the IRF, the FWHM of the first Gaussian, the
FWHM of the second Gaussian, and the relative amplitude of the
second Gaussian, respectively.
:*** Object of class "logical"
that defaults to FALSE
and determines whether multiple
Gaussians should be used to model the IRF. If multiplegaus=TRUE
then irfpar
should contain: two numeric values corresponding to
the location (mean) and the FWHM of the first Gaussian of the IRF, and
three numeric values for each additional gaussian modeled, corresponding to
the relative scaling to the first gaussian, the shift (in time) relative to the
first gaussian and the FWHM of the additional Gaussian, respectively.
:*** Object of class "logical"
that defaults to FALSE
and determines whether a kinetic theory
model of a reaction mechanism should be numerically integrated (using
deSolve) to find the concentrations.
If numericalintegration=TRUE
should specify the initial concentrations and
should specify the reaction mechanism,
as per Puxty et. al. (2006).
:*** Object of class "vector"
giving the concentrations at the initial time step.
:*** Object of class "vector"
giving the (integer) stoichiometric coefficients for the reactants; this
is the matrix Xr of Puxty et. al. (2006) with dim=NULL
:*** Object of class "vector"
giving the (integer) stoichiometric coefficients for the reactions; this
is the matrix X of Puxty et. al. (2006) with dim=NULL
Class dat-class
, directly.
Katharine M. Mullen, David Nicolaides, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Puxty, G., Maeder, M., and Hungerbuhler, K. (2006) Tutorial on the fitting of kinetics models to multivariate spectroscopic measurements with non-linear least-squares regression, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 81, 149-164.
## Example in modeling second order kinetics, by ## David Nicolaides. ## On simulated data. ############################## ## load TIMP ############################## library("TIMP") ############################## ## SIMULATE DATA ############################## ## set up the Example problem, a la in-situ UV-Vis spectroscopy of a simple ## reaction. ## A + 2B -> C + D, 2C -> E cstart <- c(A = 1.0, B = 0.8, C = 0.0, D = 0.0, E = 0.0) times <- c(seq(0,2, length=21), seq(3,10, length=8)) k <- c(kA = 0.5, k2C = 1) ## stoichiometry matrices rsmatrix <- c(1,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0) smatrix <- c(-1,-2,1,1,0,0,0,-2,0,1) concentrations <- calcD(k, times, cstart, rsmatrix, smatrix) wavelengths <- seq(500, 700, by=2) spectra <- matrix(nrow = length(wavelengths), ncol = length(cstart)) location <- c(550, 575, 625, 650, 675) delta <- c(10, 10, 10, 10, 10) spectra[, 1] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[1])/delta[1])^2) spectra[, 2] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[2])/delta[2])^2) spectra[, 3] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[3])/delta[3])^2) spectra[, 4] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[4])/delta[4])^2) spectra[, 5] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[5])/delta[5])^2) sigma <- .001 Psi_q <- concentrations %*% t(spectra) + sigma * rnorm(dim(concentrations)[1] * dim(spectra)[1]) ## store the simulated data in an object of class "dat" kinetic_data <- dat(psi.df=Psi_q , x = times, nt = length(times), x2 = wavelengths, nl = length(wavelengths)) ############################## ## DEFINE MODEL ############################## ## starting values kstart <- c(kA = 1, k2C = 0.5) ## model definition for 2nd order kinetics kinetic_model <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", seqmod = FALSE, kinpar = kstart, numericalintegration = TRUE, initialvals = cstart, reactantstoichiometrymatrix = rsmatrix, stoichiometrymatrix = smatrix ) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ## adding constraints to non-negativity of the ## spectra via the opt option nnls=TRUE ############################## kinetic_fit <- fitModel(data=list(kinetic_data), modspec = list(kinetic_model), opt = kinopt(nnls = TRUE, iter=80, selectedtraces = seq(1,kinetic_data@nl,by=2))) ## look at estimated parameters parEst(kinetic_fit) ## various results ## concentrations conRes <- getX(kinetic_fit) matplot(times, conRes, type="b", col=1,pch=21, bg=1:5, xlab="time (sec)", ylab="concentrations", main="Concentrations (2nd order kinetics)") ## spectra specRes <- getCLP(kinetic_fit) matplot(wavelengths, specRes, type="b", col=1,pch=21, bg=1:5, xlab="wavelength (nm)", ylab="amplitude", main="Spectra") ## see help(getResults) for how to get more results information from ## kinetic_fit ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c(Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
## Example in modeling second order kinetics, by ## David Nicolaides. ## On simulated data. ############################## ## load TIMP ############################## library("TIMP") ############################## ## SIMULATE DATA ############################## ## set up the Example problem, a la in-situ UV-Vis spectroscopy of a simple ## reaction. ## A + 2B -> C + D, 2C -> E cstart <- c(A = 1.0, B = 0.8, C = 0.0, D = 0.0, E = 0.0) times <- c(seq(0,2, length=21), seq(3,10, length=8)) k <- c(kA = 0.5, k2C = 1) ## stoichiometry matrices rsmatrix <- c(1,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0) smatrix <- c(-1,-2,1,1,0,0,0,-2,0,1) concentrations <- calcD(k, times, cstart, rsmatrix, smatrix) wavelengths <- seq(500, 700, by=2) spectra <- matrix(nrow = length(wavelengths), ncol = length(cstart)) location <- c(550, 575, 625, 650, 675) delta <- c(10, 10, 10, 10, 10) spectra[, 1] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[1])/delta[1])^2) spectra[, 2] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[2])/delta[2])^2) spectra[, 3] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[3])/delta[3])^2) spectra[, 4] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[4])/delta[4])^2) spectra[, 5] <- exp( - log(2) * (2 * (wavelengths - location[5])/delta[5])^2) sigma <- .001 Psi_q <- concentrations %*% t(spectra) + sigma * rnorm(dim(concentrations)[1] * dim(spectra)[1]) ## store the simulated data in an object of class "dat" kinetic_data <- dat(psi.df=Psi_q , x = times, nt = length(times), x2 = wavelengths, nl = length(wavelengths)) ############################## ## DEFINE MODEL ############################## ## starting values kstart <- c(kA = 1, k2C = 0.5) ## model definition for 2nd order kinetics kinetic_model <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", seqmod = FALSE, kinpar = kstart, numericalintegration = TRUE, initialvals = cstart, reactantstoichiometrymatrix = rsmatrix, stoichiometrymatrix = smatrix ) ############################## ## FIT INITIAL MODEL ## adding constraints to non-negativity of the ## spectra via the opt option nnls=TRUE ############################## kinetic_fit <- fitModel(data=list(kinetic_data), modspec = list(kinetic_model), opt = kinopt(nnls = TRUE, iter=80, selectedtraces = seq(1,kinetic_data@nl,by=2))) ## look at estimated parameters parEst(kinetic_fit) ## various results ## concentrations conRes <- getX(kinetic_fit) matplot(times, conRes, type="b", col=1,pch=21, bg=1:5, xlab="time (sec)", ylab="concentrations", main="Concentrations (2nd order kinetics)") ## spectra specRes <- getCLP(kinetic_fit) matplot(wavelengths, specRes, type="b", col=1,pch=21, bg=1:5, xlab="wavelength (nm)", ylab="amplitude", main="Spectra") ## see help(getResults) for how to get more results information from ## kinetic_fit ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c(Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
Class "kinopt" stores options for fitting and plotting kinetic
models in particular; this is a subclass of class opt
See opt-class
the specification of fitting/plotting options that are not specific to the
class type.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("kinopt", ...)
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults
; if TRUE
, do not plot traces
:Object of class "vector"
indices for which plots of
traces are desired under a kinetic model
:Object of class "list"
with the
following elements:
plotvector of x2
values to plot the breakdown for.
These values be specified in
a fuzzy way: an x2
value within abs(x2[1] - x2[2])/100
a value given in plot
means that a plot for that x2
will be generated, where
the reference x2[1]
and x2[2]
are from the first dataset
tolnumeric giving a tolerance by which
the values in plot
are compared to x2
for near-equality. The default is defined as
abs(x2[1] - x2[2])/100
superimposevector of dataset indices for which results should
be superimposed if the dataset has an x2
value at a value in
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, the data represent a FLIM experiment and
special plots are generated.
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if FALSE
and a FLIM image is analyzed, the residuals
are not plotted as an image.
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
and a FLIM image is analyzed, only other
plots requested by the user (such as traces or residuals) are generated, and
no summary plot in made.
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, make a plot of the spectra associated with
the kinetic components as well as the lifetime estimates.
Object of class "list"
; if length is greater
than 0, then the concentration model will be evaluated at the vector of
values supplied as the element "x"
of writeplaincon
and the result will be written to file for each dataset.
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to FALSE
; if TRUE
, then the representation of
the concentration profiles before the application of constraints (to
account for the equality of spectra, etc.) is written to file for each
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to TRUE
; if FALSE
then the spectra associated
with the coherent artifact (pulse-follower) are not included in the summary
:Object of class "logical"
defaults to
; if TRUE
adding imageplots of pulsefolower amplitudes in summary plot (only with FLIM plots).
Object of class "vector"
that defaults to
; Works In the case of plotting the results of FLIM image
analysis, ylimspec
can be used to determine the range used in the
image plot of normalized amplitudes.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
, fitModel
, opt-class
, specopt-class
is the class for mass spectrometry models; an object
of class "mass" is initialized if
mod_type = "mass"
is an
argument of initModel
All objects of class mass
are sub-classes of
class kin
; see documentation for kin
for a description of
these slots.
See kin-class
for an
example of the initialization of a
object via the initModel
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("mass", ...)
list of vectors of starting values for the parameters of components; one vector of values is used to parameterize each component.
: Object of class "character"
that specifies the function by which components are parameterized in time;
this is by default "expmodgaus" for the exponentially modified Gaussian
: Object of class "character"
specifies the filename of the lzero specification to read in from file. This
file has the format: 1st line not read; lines thereafter
are the space-delimited index of the component to constrain, the
lower bound of the constraint, and the upper bound of the
constraint, e.g., 1 218.80 220.09
: Object of class "logical"
defaults to TRUE
and determines whether a component with
constant concentration in time is added to the model to represent
a baseline.
: Object of class "vector"
that represents
a shift of the location of each elution profile peak; this can be
specified per-component, in which case length(shift)
is the
number of components (not including a baseline component) or for
all components, in which case length(shift == 1)
Class kin-class
, directly.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Class "massopt" stores options for fitting and plotting models
models for mass spectrometry data
in particular; this is a subclass of class opt
that contains
options applicable to all model types
See opt-class
the specification of fitting/plotting options that are not specific to the
class type.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("massopt", ...)
:Object of class "numeric"
allows labels on the bars representing the mass spectra to
to skipped, e.g., axis.by=2
will add a label to
every second bar
:Object of class "logical"
scales the concentration matrix using the algorithm found
in the function scaleConList
:Object of class
that defaults to zero; if greater
than zero then this number of the traces with the maximum
amplitude are plotted
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
, fitModel
, opt-class
, specopt-class
A measured instrument response over 256 time channels for a set of fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) datasets.
represents a measured instrument response as a numeric
vector over 256 time channels.
See FLIMplots
for examples using this data.
This data was described in
Mullen KM, van Stokkum IHM (2008). The variable projection algorithm in time-resolved spectroscopy, microscopy and mass-spectroscopy applications, Numerical Algorithms, in press, doi:10.1007/s11075-008-9235-2.
Allows the starting values for parameters associated with
a model to be updated with the values found in fitting the model. That
is, a model is specified with initModel
. Then fitModel
is used to optimize the starting values for parameters. modifyModel
allows modification of the starting values in the model specification
with the optimized values found via fitModel
modifyModel(model = list(), newest = list(), exceptslots = vector() )
modifyModel(model = list(), newest = list(), exceptslots = vector() )
model |
an object of class |
newest |
an object of class |
exceptslots |
a vector of character vector of slot names whose corresponding slots are to be left out of the update |
an object of class dat
that returns the results of
calling initModel
with the new starting values.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
is the class to store data, a generally applicable model, a
list of per-data models, a specification of per-dataset model differences, and
results for the analysis of possibly many datasets. After a call to
an object is initialized of the multimodel
after a call to fitModel
, an object of class
exists in the global environment as the variable
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("multimodel", ...)
:Object of class "list"
of objects of class dat
containing data
:Object of class "list"
of length n where n is the number of datasets given in
, and each element i is an object of class dat
the dataset-specific model applicable to data[[i]]
:Object of class "list"
of per-dataset model differences input as an argument
to the fitModel
:Object of class "fit"
containing a list of
results per-dataset as well as the output of optimization returned by the
:Object of class "list"
containing a list of
lists of the groups of clp to link across datasets. Each component list
contains vectors of form (clp condition index, dataset index), and
such vectors in the same component list are linked between datasets. See
for more details on the linking possibilities.
:Object of class "logical"
describing whether standard error estimates on conditionally linear
parameters should be calculated; this is determined by the opt
argument of fitModel
and defaults to FALSE
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Class multitheta
stores a list with one element of class
for each dataset modeled, corresponding to the parameter
estimates associated with that dataset.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("multitheta", ...)
:Object of class "list"
with element i
corresponding to the theta
object for the ith dataset modeled.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Class "opt" stores options for fitting and plotting applicable to all model types
See kinopt-class
, specopt-class
the specification of fitting/plotting options that are specific to the
class type.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("opt", ...)
:Object of class "character"
that defaults to
, so that the function nls
is used to
optimize nonlinear parameters under least squares criteria.
Other options are
:optimize nonlinear parameters under least
squares criteria using nls.lm
:optimize nonlinear parameters under poisson
regression criteria with the Nelder-Mead algorithm in
; if this option is used then it MUST be used in
conjunction with nnls=TRUE
. Currently, it must also be
used with stderrclp=FALSE
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
. If nnls=TRUE
constrain the conditionally linear parameters
to nonnegativity via a nonnegative least squares algorithm as
implemented via the function nnls
from the package by the same
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if true then
concentrations are written to a txt file; row labels are x
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
spectra are written to a txt file; row labels are x2
:Object of class "logical"
defaults to FALSE
; if TRUE
then normalized spectra are
written to a txt file; row labels are x2
:Object of class
that defaults to FALSE
; if TRUE
then fit
is written to a txt file; row and column labels are x
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
FALSE; if true then
the error bars for clp are written to a txt file. This option is only
sensible with stderrclp=TRUE
:Object of class
that defaults to "ps"
, which means that
plots written to file are postscript. Alternatively, specify
output = "pdf"
, and plots are written as pdf files
:Object of class
that, for each data file, tries to add the
filename to plots associated with output for that data.
:Object of class "logical"
defaults to
; if TRUE
generate a plot of residuals in a
separate window.
:Object of class "logical"
defaults to
; if TRUE
adding imageplot of data in summary plot.
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if FALSE
then do not write output in the form of
plots and other windows to the screen.
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, plot traces and concentration
profiles divided by the dataset scaling parameters where they apply; this
allows for the fit of datasets having different intensities on the same
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults
; if TRUE
, generates a separate plot of the spectra
associated with the components that are not a part of a coherent
artifact/scatter model.
:Object of class "vector"
dataset indices whose results should be superimposed in plots
:Object of class "character"
label for x-axis, e.g., "nanoseconds"
or "picoseconds"
:Object of class "character"
containing label
for y-axis, e.g., "wavelength"
:Object of class "character"
containing title
to write at the top of plots.
:Object of class "character"
prefix to plot files written to postscript;
if present postscript will be written. Note that this string is also
used as the preffix of txt output files
:Object of class "numeric"
giving linear
range of time axis for plotting; time will be plotted linearly from
-linrange to linrange and plotted on a logarithmic (base 10) axis elsewhere
:Object of class "numeric"
number of rows in summary plot; defaults to 4
:Object of class "numeric"
number of columns in summary plot; defaults to 4
:Object of class "numeric"
number of iterations to optimize model parameters; if
so that the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is
applied, then iter
is interpreted as the
maximum number of residual function evaluations (see the help
page of the function nls.lm
for details)
:Object of class "list"
of graphical parameters in format par(...)
to apply to plots.
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults
; if TRUE
, estimates of the standard error of
conditionally linear parameters are made
:Object of class "vector"
character strings of which parameter estimates should be added to the
summary plot, e.g., addest = c("kinpar", "irfpar")
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, add standard error estimates to the clp
a plot generated with kinspecest=TRUE
. This option can only be
used if the estimates were generated during fitting via the option
Object of class "vector"
that defaults to
; if changed, it should specify the desired x-limits of
the plot of clp
Object of class "vector"
that defaults to
; if changed, it should specify the desired y-limits of
the plot of clp. In the case of plotting the results of FLIM image
analysis, ylimspec
can be used to determine the range used in the
image plot of lifetimes.
Object of class "vector"
that defaults to
; if changed, the first value should specify a vector to
add to the y-limits of the plot of clp
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, then the line-type for clp is the same
for all datasets
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, use spline instead of lines between
the points representing estimated clp
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, add points representing the actual estimates
for clp to plots of the curves representing smoothed clp
Object of class "numeric"
that defaults to
; represents the number of segments used in a spline-based
representation of clp
Object of class "logical"
that defaults
; determines whether a B-spline based representation of
clp is used (when specinterpol=TRUE
) or a piecewise polynomial
Object of class "logical"
that determines whether
clp are normalized in plots
Object of class "logical"
that defaults to
; if TRUE
, a spline-based representation of clp
is written to ASCII files
Object of class "character"
that defaults to
and determines the algorithm used by nls
, if
is used in optimization. See help(nls)
for other
possibilities, such as "port"
, which is more stable with
respect to starting values but requires more time.
Object of class "numeric"
if given, sets the line
type of the fit in plots of the fit/data; see lty
for options.
Object of class "numeric"
if given, sets the line
type of the data in plots of the fit/data; see lty
for options.
Object of class "vector"
if given, sets the color
of the fit corresponding to each dataset
in plots of the fit/data; see col
for options. If given
must be equal to
the number of datasets in the analysis
Object of class "vector"
if given, sets the color
of the data for each dataset
in plots of the fit/data; see col
for options. If given,
must be equal to
the number of datasets in the analysis
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Finds and removes outliers from datasets
given the
results of fitting as returned by fitModel
. Uses the
residuals in the fitted results to return a list of corrected
datasets to be used in place of the datasets used in the call
to fitModel
as well as a list of weights. The data returned
contains the fitted values at pointed that are outliers and will be
assigned zero weight in subsequent fits.
outlierCorr(oldRes, fence=3, saturCorr=FALSE, saturThresh=.05, saturMin=NA, saturDivMax=3, outlierCorr=TRUE, newM = TRUE)
outlierCorr(oldRes, fence=3, saturCorr=FALSE, saturThresh=.05, saturMin=NA, saturDivMax=3, outlierCorr=TRUE, newM = TRUE)
oldRes |
Object returned by |
fence |
Object of class |
saturCorr |
whether to correct for saturation |
saturThresh |
See code. |
saturMin |
See code. |
saturDivMax |
See code. |
outlierCorr |
whether to perform outlier correction |
newM |
whether to add to the outliers and saturation points detected previously |
We calculate the fourth spread at a given value of
in a dataset. Those points that are less than the
first quartile minus the fourth spread times fence
are outliers,
as are those points that are more than the third quartile plus the
fourth spread times fence
. Outliers are assigned a weight of
zero and are assigned the values found in fitting for the purpose of
generating smooth-looking plots.
list containing the elements dt
, a list of
corrected datasets, and weightList
, a list of new weight
Methods for function plotter
in Package ‘TIMP’ that
call plotting and output functions.
plotter(model, multimodel, multitheta, plotoptions)
plotter(model, multimodel, multitheta, plotoptions)
model |
Object of class |
multimodel |
Object of class |
multitheta |
Object of class |
plotoptions |
list of output options
input to |
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Performs data sampling, selection, baseline correction,
scaling, and data correction on an object of class dat
preProcess(data, sample = 1, sample_time = 1, sample_lambda = 1, sel_time = vector(), sel_lambda = vector(), baselinetime = vector(), baselinelambda = vector(), scalx = NULL, scalx2 = NULL, sel_lambda_ab = vector(), sel_time_ab = vector(), rm_x2=vector(), rm_x = vector(), svdResid = list(), numV = 0, sel_special = list(), doubleDiff = FALSE, doubleDiffFile = "doubleDiff.txt")
preProcess(data, sample = 1, sample_time = 1, sample_lambda = 1, sel_time = vector(), sel_lambda = vector(), baselinetime = vector(), baselinelambda = vector(), scalx = NULL, scalx2 = NULL, sel_lambda_ab = vector(), sel_time_ab = vector(), rm_x2=vector(), rm_x = vector(), svdResid = list(), numV = 0, sel_special = list(), doubleDiff = FALSE, doubleDiffFile = "doubleDiff.txt")
data |
Object of class |
sample |
integer describing sampling interval to take in both time and
sample_time |
integer describing sampling interval in time; e.g.,
sample_lambda |
integer describing sampling interval in |
sel_time |
vector of length 2 describing the first and last time
index of data to select; e.g., |
sel_lambda |
vector of length 2 describing the first and last |
baselinetime |
a vector of form |
baselinelambda |
a vector of form |
scalx |
numeric by which to linearly scale the |
scalx2 |
vector of length 2 by which to linearly scale the
sel_lambda_ab |
vector of length 2 describing the absolute values
(e.g., wavelengths, wavenumbers, etc.) between which data should be
selected. e.g., |
sel_time_ab |
vector of length 2 describing the absolute times
between which data should be
selected. e.g., |
rm_x2 |
vector of |
rm_x |
vector of |
svdResid |
list returned from the |
numV |
numeric specifying how many singular vectors to use in data correction. Maximum is five. |
sel_special |
list of lists specifying |
doubleDiff |
logical indicating whether the data should be converted to represent differences between times. |
doubleDiffFile |
character string indicating the file name of
time difference data to create in the case that |
object of class dat
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
############################## ## READ DATA ############################## data("target") ############################## ## PREPROCESS DATA ############################## # select certain wavelengths for modeling C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) ) C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, sel_lambda = c(8, 27)) C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, rm_x = c(40, 41, 101, 116)) C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, sel_time_ab = c(-10, 100000)) C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2, sel_lambda = c(2, 32)) C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) ) C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, sel_time_ab = c(-10, 100000)) C3_1 <- preProcess(data = C3, sel_lambda = c(1, 25)) C3_1 <- preProcess(data = C3_1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) ) ############################## ## SPECIFY K Matrix and J vector ############################## ## initialize 2 7x7 arrays to 0 delK <- array(0, dim=c(7,7,2)) ## the matrix is indexed: ## delK[ ROW K MATRIX, COL K MATRIX, matrix number] ## in the first matrix, put the index of compartments ## that are non-zero ## the transfer rate of the compartment is governed by ## kinpar[index] delK[1,1,1] <- 4 delK[5,1,1] <- 1 delK[2,2,1] <- 4 delK[5,2,1] <- 2 delK[3,3,1] <- 4 delK[5,3,1] <- 3 delK[4,4,1] <- 4 delK[6,5,1] <- 5 delK[7,6,1] <- 6 delK[7,7,1] <- 7 ## print out the resulting array to make sure it's right delK jvector <- c(.48443195136500550341, .28740782363398824522, .13749071230100625137, 0.9066953510E-01, 0, 0, 0) datalist <- list(C1, C2, C3) ## for plotting selected traces, get a vector of all the wavenumbers allx2 <- vector() for(i in 1:length(datalist)) allx2 <- append(allx2,datalist[[i]]@x2) allx2 <- sort(unique(allx2)) ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ## note that low is the larger wavenumber in the clpequ spec! ############################## model1 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar=c( 0.13698630, 0.3448275849E-01, 0.1020408142E-01, 0.2941176528E-02, 0.17000, 0.015, 0.1074082902E-03), fixed = list(prel = 1:6, clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1, parmu=1), irfpar=c(0.4211619198, 0.6299000233E-01), prelspec = list( list(what1="kinpar", ind1=1, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4, start=c(-1,0.1369863003)), list(what1="kinpar", ind1=2, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4, start=c(-1,0.3448275849E-01)), list(what1="kinpar", ind1=3, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4, start=c(-1,0.1020408142E-01)) ), parmu = list(c(-0.1411073953)), lambdac = 1290, kmat = delK, jvec = jvector, positivepar="kinpar", weightpar=list( c(-20,1.4,1,2000,.2)), clpequspec =list( list(to=2, from=1, low=100, high=10000), list(to=3, from=1, low=100, high=10000), list(to=4, from=1, low=100, high=10000)), clpequ = c(1,1,1), cohspec = list( type = "irf")) ############################## ## GET RESID ## same format as call to fitModel, but does not plot ############################## serResid <- getResid(list(C1_1, C2_1, C3_1), list(model1), modeldiffs = list(thresh = 0.00005, dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=4), list(to=3,from=1,value=0.8000000119)), free = list( list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.1231127158), dataset=2), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.1219962388), dataset=2), list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.3724052608), dataset=3), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.8844097704E-01), dataset=3)), change = list( list(what="fixed", spec=list(clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1:2, parmu=1, drel = 1, prel=1:6), dataset=2:3))), opt=kinopt(iter=0, title="Cosimo Spectra, Not Normalized, with Error", stderrclp=TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, writespec = TRUE, plotkinspec = TRUE,plotcohcolspec=FALSE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(allx2), by=2), specinterpol = TRUE, specinterpolpoints=FALSE, divdrel=TRUE, xlab="wavenumber",writeclperr = TRUE, makeps = "err", linrange = 1, superimpose=1:3)) ############################## ## MAKE CORRECTED DATASETS USING RESID INFO ############################## C1_3 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, svdResid = serResid[[1]], numV = 2) C2_3 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, svdResid = serResid[[2]], numV = 2) C3_3 <- preProcess(data = C3_1, svdResid = serResid[[3]], numV = 2) ############################## ## FIT MODEL ############################## serRes<-fitModel(list(C1_3, C2_3, C3_3), list(model1), modeldiffs = list(thresh = 0.00005, dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=4), list(to=3,from=1,value=0.8000000119)), free = list( list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.1231127158), dataset=2), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.1219962388), dataset=2), list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.3724052608), dataset=3), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.8844097704E-01), dataset=3)), change = list( list(what="fixed", spec=list(clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1:2, parmu=1, drel = 1, prel=1:6), dataset=2:3))), opt=kinopt(iter=0, title="Cosimo Spectra, Not Normalized, with Error", stderrclp=TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, writespec = TRUE, plotkinspec = TRUE,plotcohcolspec=FALSE, writerawcon = TRUE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(allx2), by=2), specinterpol = TRUE, specinterpolpoints=FALSE, divdrel=TRUE, xlab="wavenumber",writeclperr = TRUE, makeps = "h20", linrange = 1, superimpose=1:3)) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c('h20_paramEst.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_1.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_2.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_3.txt', 'h20_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'h20_spec_dataset_2.txt', 'h20_spec_dataset_3.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_1.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_2.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_3.txt', 'err_paramEst.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_2.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_3.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_1.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_2.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_3.txt', Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
############################## ## READ DATA ############################## data("target") ############################## ## PREPROCESS DATA ############################## # select certain wavelengths for modeling C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) ) C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, sel_lambda = c(8, 27)) C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, rm_x = c(40, 41, 101, 116)) C1_1 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, sel_time_ab = c(-10, 100000)) C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2, sel_lambda = c(2, 32)) C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) ) C2_1 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, sel_time_ab = c(-10, 100000)) C3_1 <- preProcess(data = C3, sel_lambda = c(1, 25)) C3_1 <- preProcess(data = C3_1, baselinelambda = c(1,12,1,32) ) ############################## ## SPECIFY K Matrix and J vector ############################## ## initialize 2 7x7 arrays to 0 delK <- array(0, dim=c(7,7,2)) ## the matrix is indexed: ## delK[ ROW K MATRIX, COL K MATRIX, matrix number] ## in the first matrix, put the index of compartments ## that are non-zero ## the transfer rate of the compartment is governed by ## kinpar[index] delK[1,1,1] <- 4 delK[5,1,1] <- 1 delK[2,2,1] <- 4 delK[5,2,1] <- 2 delK[3,3,1] <- 4 delK[5,3,1] <- 3 delK[4,4,1] <- 4 delK[6,5,1] <- 5 delK[7,6,1] <- 6 delK[7,7,1] <- 7 ## print out the resulting array to make sure it's right delK jvector <- c(.48443195136500550341, .28740782363398824522, .13749071230100625137, 0.9066953510E-01, 0, 0, 0) datalist <- list(C1, C2, C3) ## for plotting selected traces, get a vector of all the wavenumbers allx2 <- vector() for(i in 1:length(datalist)) allx2 <- append(allx2,datalist[[i]]@x2) allx2 <- sort(unique(allx2)) ############################## ## SPECIFY INITIAL MODEL ## note that low is the larger wavenumber in the clpequ spec! ############################## model1 <- initModel(mod_type = "kin", kinpar=c( 0.13698630, 0.3448275849E-01, 0.1020408142E-01, 0.2941176528E-02, 0.17000, 0.015, 0.1074082902E-03), fixed = list(prel = 1:6, clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1, parmu=1), irfpar=c(0.4211619198, 0.6299000233E-01), prelspec = list( list(what1="kinpar", ind1=1, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4, start=c(-1,0.1369863003)), list(what1="kinpar", ind1=2, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4, start=c(-1,0.3448275849E-01)), list(what1="kinpar", ind1=3, what2 = "kinpar", ind2=4, start=c(-1,0.1020408142E-01)) ), parmu = list(c(-0.1411073953)), lambdac = 1290, kmat = delK, jvec = jvector, positivepar="kinpar", weightpar=list( c(-20,1.4,1,2000,.2)), clpequspec =list( list(to=2, from=1, low=100, high=10000), list(to=3, from=1, low=100, high=10000), list(to=4, from=1, low=100, high=10000)), clpequ = c(1,1,1), cohspec = list( type = "irf")) ############################## ## GET RESID ## same format as call to fitModel, but does not plot ############################## serResid <- getResid(list(C1_1, C2_1, C3_1), list(model1), modeldiffs = list(thresh = 0.00005, dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=4), list(to=3,from=1,value=0.8000000119)), free = list( list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.1231127158), dataset=2), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.1219962388), dataset=2), list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.3724052608), dataset=3), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.8844097704E-01), dataset=3)), change = list( list(what="fixed", spec=list(clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1:2, parmu=1, drel = 1, prel=1:6), dataset=2:3))), opt=kinopt(iter=0, title="Cosimo Spectra, Not Normalized, with Error", stderrclp=TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, writespec = TRUE, plotkinspec = TRUE,plotcohcolspec=FALSE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(allx2), by=2), specinterpol = TRUE, specinterpolpoints=FALSE, divdrel=TRUE, xlab="wavenumber",writeclperr = TRUE, makeps = "err", linrange = 1, superimpose=1:3)) ############################## ## MAKE CORRECTED DATASETS USING RESID INFO ############################## C1_3 <- preProcess(data = C1_1, svdResid = serResid[[1]], numV = 2) C2_3 <- preProcess(data = C2_1, svdResid = serResid[[2]], numV = 2) C3_3 <- preProcess(data = C3_1, svdResid = serResid[[3]], numV = 2) ############################## ## FIT MODEL ############################## serRes<-fitModel(list(C1_3, C2_3, C3_3), list(model1), modeldiffs = list(thresh = 0.00005, dscal = list(list(to=2,from=1,value=4), list(to=3,from=1,value=0.8000000119)), free = list( list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.1231127158), dataset=2), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.1219962388), dataset=2), list(what="irfpar", ind=1, start= c(0.3724052608), dataset=3), list(what="parmu", ind=c(1,1), start= c(0.8844097704E-01), dataset=3)), change = list( list(what="fixed", spec=list(clpequ=1:3, kinpar=1:7, irfpar=1:2, parmu=1, drel = 1, prel=1:6), dataset=2:3))), opt=kinopt(iter=0, title="Cosimo Spectra, Not Normalized, with Error", stderrclp=TRUE, kinspecerr=TRUE, writespec = TRUE, plotkinspec = TRUE,plotcohcolspec=FALSE, writerawcon = TRUE, selectedtraces = seq(1, length(allx2), by=2), specinterpol = TRUE, specinterpolpoints=FALSE, divdrel=TRUE, xlab="wavenumber",writeclperr = TRUE, makeps = "h20", linrange = 1, superimpose=1:3)) # end donttest ############################## ## CLEANUP GENERATED FILES ############################## # This removes the files that were generated in this example # (do not run this code if you wish to inspect the output) file_list_cleanup = c('h20_paramEst.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_1.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_2.txt', 'h20_rawconcen_dataset_3.txt', 'h20_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'h20_spec_dataset_2.txt', 'h20_spec_dataset_3.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_1.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_2.txt', 'h20_std_err_clp_3.txt', 'err_paramEst.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_1.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_2.txt', 'err_spec_dataset_3.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_1.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_2.txt', 'err_std_err_clp_3.txt', Sys.glob("*paramEst.txt"), Sys.glob("*.ps"), Sys.glob("Rplots*.pdf")) # Iterate over the files and delete them if they exist for (f in file_list_cleanup) { if (file.exists(f)) { unlink(f) } }
This function is useful for the case that there are many constraints to zero in the model, as is the case for some mass spectrometry models.
filenm |
Object of class |
The file to be read in should have the following format:
1st line is not read. Lines thereafter are
the space-delimited index of the component to constrain, the
lower bound of the constraint, and the upper bound of the
constraint, e.g., 1 218.800000000000011 220.099999999999994
The constraints to zero in the format documented in the help
file for the "dat"
class. Therefore a call to
may be used inside a call to "initModel"
as in clp0 = readclp0("filename")
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Data in the formats described at https://glotaran.github.io/legacy/file_formats may be read from file into an R object for analysis.
readData(filenm, typ="", sep = "")
readData(filenm, typ="", sep = "")
filenm |
This is the path to the file to read in, as a quoted string. |
typ |
if |
sep |
This is an optional argument describing how the data is
delimited; defaults to |
an object of class dat
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Class to store results of model fitting associated with
a single dataset. A list containing objects of class res
a slot in class fit
. An object of class fit
is stored in
the slot fit
of objects of class multimodel
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("res", ...)
A res
object is created after model fitting
via the residual function residPart
:Object of class "list"
that contains the
estimates for conditionally linear parameters.
:Object of class "list"
of residuals, with one
element for each dataset modeled.
:Object of class "list"
of fits, with one
element for each dataset modeled.
:Object of class "list"
with a vector of
elements for each element of the clp x2
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Methods for function residPart
in Package ‘TIMP’ determine the
part of the residual vector associated with a single ‘part’ of the
residPart(model, group, multimodel, thetalist, clpindepX, finished, returnX, rawtheta)
residPart(model, group, multimodel, thetalist, clpindepX, finished, returnX, rawtheta)
model |
Object of class |
group |
list of vector pairs (x2 index, dataset index) for which the part of the residual vector is to be determined |
multimodel |
Object of class |
thetalist |
Object of class |
clpindepX |
Object of class |
finished |
logical determining whether fitting is finished that triggers the storage of results |
returnX |
logical determining whether to just return the matrix
rawtheta |
numeric vector of nonlinear parameters to be optimized
by |
, spec-class
is the class for spectral models;
an object
of class "mass" is initialized if
mod_type = "spec"
is an
argument of initModel
All objects of class
also of class dat
; see documentation for dat
for a description of
these slots. Note that here x2
will refer to the independent variable in
which traces are resolved, e.g., wavelength or wavenumber.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("spec", ...)
: Object of class "vector"
of starting values for linear relationships between
: Object of class "list"
of vectors of
starting values for spectral parameters; the number of vectors gives the
number of components in the resulting spectral model;
each vector contains the parameters
associated with a component. e.g.,
specpar = list(c(20000, 3000, .3, 21000, 2000, .4), c(18000, 1000, .2))
the parameters in each vector are grouped
c(location_spectra, width_spectra, skew_spectra)
the location and width parameters are given in wavenumbers.
: Object of class "character"
, "gaus"
for a spectral model of a
superposition of skewed Gaussians; "bspline"
for a
bspline-based model.
: Object of class "numeric"
index defining the center value of the
: Object of class "list"
used internally to
store constraints.
:Object of class "logical"
if time-dependence of the spectral parameters
is to be taken into account and FALSE
: Object of class "list"
: Object of class "list"
of vectors defining those indexes of specpar whose
time-dependence is to be modeled. e.g., specdispindex = list(c(1,1),
c(1,2), c(1,3))
says that parameters 1-3 of spectra 1 are to be modeled as
: Object of class "numeric"
describing the power to which wavenumbers are raised in
the model equation; see Equation 30 of the paper in the references section
for a complete description
:Object of class "logical"
describing whether the model for spectra E is dependent
on x-index (i.e., whether it is clp-dependent).
: Object of class "character"
describing the function form of the
time-dependence of spectral parameters; options are "exp"
for exponential time
dependence, "multiexp"
for multiexponential time dependence, and
polynomial time dependence. defaults to polynomial time dependence.
vector describing the number of columns of the E matrix for
each value in the x
Class dat-class
, directly.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Ivo H. M. van Stokkum, "Global and target analysis of time-resolved spectra, Lecture notes for the Troisieme Cycle de la Physique en Suisse Romande", Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005, https://www.nat.vu.nl/~ivo/pub/2005/lecturenotes3cycle.pdf
Class "specopt" stores options for fitting and plotting spectral
models in particular; this is a subclass of class opt
See opt-class
the specification of fitting/plotting options that are not specific to the
class type.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("specopt", ...)
or specopt(...)
:Object of class "logical"
that defaults
; if TRUE
, do not plot time-resolved spectra
:Object of class "vector"
indices for which plots of
time-resolved spectra are desired under a spectral model
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Makes a summary plot of spectra associated with kinetic components
alongside a plot showing parameter estimates for, by default, kinetic
parameters. If the analysis had more parameters in the addEst
of the argument opt
, then more parameters are displayed.
Note that this summary leaves out the spectra associated with coherent
artifact or scatter.
sumKinSpecEst(listFits, addtitle = TRUE, customtitle = "", preps = "", ylimlist=list(), kinspecerr=TRUE)
sumKinSpecEst(listFits, addtitle = TRUE, customtitle = "", preps = "", ylimlist=list(), kinspecerr=TRUE)
listFits |
list of objects returned by the |
addtitle |
logical regarding whether to add a title; if TRUE and
customtitle |
character vector containing a title |
preps |
character vector describing the prefix of the postscript filename given as output |
ylimlist |
list with elements |
kinspecerr |
logical regarding whether to add error bars for to the estimated spectra. |
This looks best with less than five objects in listFits
No return value, called for side effects
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum
Ultrafast time-resolved absorption data
, C2
and C3
are objects of class dat
See preProcess
for examples using this data.
This data was described in Bonetti C, Mathes T, van Stokkum IHM, Mullen KM, Groot ML and van Grondelle R, Hegemann P and Kennis, JTM (2008), The variable projection algorithm in time-resolved spectroscopy, microscopy and mass-spectroscopy applications, Hydrogen bond switching among flavin and amino acid side chains in the BLUF photoreceptor observed by ultrafast infrared spectroscopy, Biophysical Journal, in press, doi:10.1529/biophysj.108.139246.
is the class to store parameter estimates associated with
many datasets; after a call to fitModel
a list containing theta
for each of the n datasets analyzed in the call to fitModel
created. To see the parameter estimates
associated with the datasets, examine the object currTheta
in the list returned by fitModel
after a call to fitModel
, an object of class
exists in the global environment as the variable
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("theta", ...)
:Object of class "vector"
of rate constant estimates
:Object of class "list"
of spectral shape parameter estimates
:Object of class "vector"
of IRF parameter estimates
:Object of class "list"
of parameter estimates describing dispersion of the location
of other parameters (in time, temp., etc.)
:Object of class "vector"
of parameter estimates describing dispersion of the
width of other parameters (in time)
:Object of class "vector"
of parameter estimates describing conditionally linear
parameters (spectra, in a kinetic model) relations
:Object of class "list"
of parameter estimates describing dispersion of
:Object of class "vector"
of parameters describing kinetic relations in
the context of a compartmental scheme
:Object of class "vector"
of parameters describing relations between
parameters (which may be linear, exponential, etc.)
:Object of class "list"
of dummy parameters which can be used in complex relations
:Object of class "vector"
containing the eigenvalues of the kinetic transfer matrix K
:Object of class "vector"
of parameters
describing a coherent artifact or pulse follower.
:Object of class "vector"
of parameters describing relations between
datasets (linear, and possibly per-wavelength or, in general, per-clp)
:Object of class "vector"
of parameters
describing oscillation parameters. The length depends on the type of oscillation and the number of oscillations.
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum, Joris J. Snellenburg, Sergey P. Laptenok
Some measurement set-ups dump a set of matrices stacked on top of each other to a file; each matrix represents a scan. This function writes the average of the scans to a file in the '.ivo' format.
writeAverage(filename, ntimes, nwave, scans, fileout = paste(filename, "Average.ivo", sep=""), calibration = 1:nwave, wexplicit=FALSE)
writeAverage(filename, ntimes, nwave, scans, fileout = paste(filename, "Average.ivo", sep=""), calibration = 1:nwave, wexplicit=FALSE)
filename |
This is the path to the file to read in, as a quoted string. |
ntimes |
number of times in each scan |
nwave |
number of wavelengths in each scan |
scans |
number of full scans to read |
fileout |
a character vector specifying the filename to write the averaged data to; the default is to write a file named "filenameAverage.ivo" |
calibration |
a numeric vector representing the wavelength labels; by default the labels "1, 2, ..., nwave" are used |
wexplicit |
logical whether the file is written in the 'wavelength explicit' format, with each column of the matrix written representing a wavelength, as opposed to the 'time explicit' format, where each column represents a timepoint. |
No return value, called for side effects
Katharine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum